
Articles Posted in Cruise Ship Accidents/Incidents


Ebola Scare Highlights Cruise Ship Safety Concerns

As if the ebola scare needed another angle, it now appears that someone who may have been exposed to the virus is aboard a cruise ship, of all things. It’s possible nothing will come of this, but if it does, it will call into play many of the topics that…


Cruise Ticket Time Limits May Prevent You From Ever Bringing a Claim

If you are injured on a cruise ship, a major hurdle that you may have is filing your lawsuit within the time period provided by law. Cruise ship accident victims are often excluded from bringing negligence or liability claims, based upon having waited too long to file a lawsuit.   What…


Cruise Industry Still Thinks New Laws are Unnecessary

The Washington Post recently published an interesting article about whether or not cruise ships are doing enough to protect passengers, and whether existing regulations are strong enough to ensure passenger safety. The article describes one passenger who almost drowned in the undertow of a pool on the ship, after going…


Cruise Ship Medical Malpractice – Are Ships Responsible?

When you are on a cruise, you are often miles out into the ocean, far away from land. While on the cruise you may be engaging in extreme sports, eating foods you aren’t used to eating, walking on rocking floors, and being in close contact with thousands of other passengers…


International Cruise Victim Association Board Member, Philip M. Gerson Speaks to Congress at Senate Hearing in order to better enforce the Cruise Vessel Safety and SecurityAct 0f 2010

    On July 24, 2014 a senate Committee Hearing chaired by retiring Democratic Senator John D. Rockefeller IV, illustrated the necessity for better enforcement of the Cruise Vessel Safety and Security Act 0f 2010Act. The Bill S. 1340, known as the Cruise Passenger Protection Act, perfects the intent of…


Two U.S. Men Allegedly Rape Woman While In Jamaican Waters

Over the last year, our Florida cruise ship attorneys have had the unfortunate task of discussing a number of incidents in which cruise ship passengers have been the victim of sexual assault or rape at the hands of crew members or other passengers. Recent Incidents In February, we discussed an…


Cruise Ship Employee Allegedly Rapes Passenger While in St. Kitt’s Territorial Waters

Over the last year, our Florida cruise ship accident attorneys have discussed a number of incidents in which cruise ship passengers have been the victim of sexual assault or rape at the hands of crew members or other passengers. Several weeks ago, two U.S. men were accused of raping a…


Centers for Disease Control Issues Report Regarding Cruise Ship Illnesses

Over the last year, this blog has discussed on several occasions one of the most prominent problems faced by the cruise industry, onboard outbreaks of gastrointestinal illness. Each year, there are dozens of such outbreaks, including those suffered by Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines’ Grandeur of the Seas in April, in…


Saga Cruises’ Ship Stranded After Electrical Fire

According to a report from the BBC, Saga Cruises’ Sapphire cruise liner was left stranded off the Isle of Mull with 1,008 passengers and crew aboard after an electrical fire broke out over the weekend and knocked out the ship’s power supply. Our Florida maritime attorneys read the BBC report,…


South Korean Ferry Disaster Shines Spotlight On Cruise Industry

Our Florida Cruise Ship Attorneys have dedicated their decades of experience to representing cruise ship passengers that are injured by the acts or omissions of the cruise ship industry and its employees. This past Tuesday, the New York Times published a short editorial discussing the questionable actions of South Korean ferry captain,…

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